"In a perfect world, we’d all be judged on the sweetness of our souls, but in our less than perfect world, the woman who looks pretty has a distinct advantage and, usually, the last word," [...] "You may have great inner resources, but they don’t show up as confidence when you don’t feel pretty. People are more apt to believe you and like you when you know you look fine. And when the world approves, self-respect is just a little easier."
Full Name(s):
Josephine Esther Mentzer
She took her husband's last name, Lauter, changed it to Lauder, used her middle nick name Estee to name the company Estee Lauder in 1953)
Jul. 1, 1908-Apr. 24, 2004

Claim to fame:
Cosmetics & Perfume Magnate ( I love her makeups and perfumes, I just got Bronze Goddess a few months ago, god that smells so tropical, I Love it!!)
Cosmetics & Perfume Magnate ( I love her makeups and perfumes, I just got Bronze Goddess a few months ago, god that smells so tropical, I Love it!!)
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