Full name:
Patricia Maldonado
"La Pequeña Prohibida"
Claim to Fame:
He/She appears on Felipe Avello's comedy show in Chile.
Makes you-tube Vids of Celebs.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Stiff of the Week: La Pequeña
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Stiff Of The Week-La Pequeña
Window flim ain't suppsoe to do that..
Best Horror movies of all time: 31 days of Horror
The Original Night of the Living Dead scares the shit of of me
I Like his Drawings,some NSFW,Asian Site
Skull Bites
Another hates stuff site, this time God hates Stuff
He hates Patrick Swayze & Foreskins
Strange Time Waster game
Feed The Head
BlackCat Art Official Website.
Black Cat Digital Art
High Quality Celeb Scan Site
Last Beautiful Girl
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Lush Brushes
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Pornstar Lounge
Ero Zuna Galerie
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Links Of the Day
Friday, April 11, 2008
Just when you've thought you'd seen it all...
Parents Fight Over Which Gang Toddler Should Join
Police: Mother A Crip, Father A Westside Baller
POSTED: 7:10 pm MDT April 10, 2008
UPDATED: 7:27 am MDT April 11, 2008
COMMERCE CITY, Colo. -- A couple fighting about which gang their 4-year-old toddler should join caused a public disturbance that resulted in the father's arrest, Commerce City police said Thursday.
On Saturday, Joseph Manzanares stormed into the Hollywood Video store where his girlfriend worked, threatened to kill her and knocked over several video displays and even a computer, Commerce City police Sgt. Joe Sandoval said.
After he ran out of the store, police were called and the 19-year-old was arrested at his home.
His girlfriend told police that they had been arguing about the upbringing of their son and which gang he should belong to. The teen mother, who is black, is a member of the Crips. Manzanares is Hispanic and belongs to the Westside Ballers gang, the woman said.
"They have different ideas on how the baby should be raised. Basically, she said they cannot agree on which gang the baby would 'claim,'" Sandoval said.
Manzanares was charged with disorderly conduct, harassment, and domestic violence. He was transported to the Adams County Detention Facility.
On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to a year of probation. The misdemeanor harassment charge was dropped
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Labels: Dumb Ass of the Week
Man accused in fellow Marine's death captured
I hope they fry his ass
Online Portfolio of Katie De Sousa
Marilyn Monroe Online Community at Livejournal
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Yeah.We're Wall Flowers
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Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Links Of the Day
Thursday, April 10, 2008
She should have told them evil gnomes did it.
Ok,in the end of Feb 08 I had broke my ankle, that shit hurt,I mean it hurt bad and swelled up and turned black...boy that was fun....but read below, these are some fucked in the head freaks....(I took that comment about the evil gnomes from Dlisted, if anyone asks)
A man who broke his girlfriend's leg at her own request, and had it filmed on a mobile phone, in a bid to sue Plymouth City Council has been jailed for three years.
It was then they found the film of Thomson jumping on his girlfriend's leg. Police also found a partially completed insurance claim form. The video showed Hingston lying face down on the floor wrapped in a duvet with her leg exposed and her foot covered by a pillow. Bricks were placed below her knee and above her ankle before burly Thomson jumped as high as he could. He lands on her leg with his full force and a sickening crunch - so loud it made the court room gasp out loud - is heard.

Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dumb Asses of the Day
In Remembrance, it's been 5 years
April 11, 1972-April 10, 2003
Sid on Find A Grave
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 7:07 AM 1 comments
Labels: Remembrance
Dumbassery of the Day x 3
School says Athens,TX girl lied about immigration poster assault
School officials say an eighth-grader lied when she told them a pack of angry classmates assaulted her over an anti-illegal immigration poster she brought to campus.
Athens Superintendent Fred Hayes said Wednesday that surveillance video shows 13-year-old Melanie Bowers inflicting scratch marks on herself after her poster was taken.
Bowers' poster for a class project read, ``If you love our nation, stop illegal immigration.'' Three Hispanic students had been suspended for their role in the alleged scuffle. Hayes said their punishment remains valid because they helped take the poster, but did not hurt Bowers in doing so.
Hayes said the school district has asked police to file criminal charges against the girl for filing a false report.
Palm Bay woman accused of attacking husband with soap
April 9, 2008
PALM BAY,FL — A 43-year-old woman who police said trespassed into a home and attacked her estranged husband in the shower with a bar of unwrapped soap, will face a judge next month.
Cheryl Ann Lunderman, of the 900 Raleigh Road, was charged with battery and burglary to an occupied dwelling after Palm Bay Police were called to a home located on the 2200 block of Oklahoma Avenue to investigate reports of a disturbance, reports show.
Lunderman, listed by police as a registered nurse, is expected to have a hearing on the charges May 16, records show. Last week a judge ordered Lunderman not to return to the home or have any further contact with the victim, records show. Palm Bay Police said the man was home taking a shower about 9:30 p.m. on April 2 when Lunderman got into the residence, walked into the bathroom and struck him in the face with an unwrapped bar of soap.
The man’s right eye was bruised by the soap, investigators said. The couple had been married for over two decades when they separated, officials reported. Police arrested Lunderman and transported her to the Brevard County Jail Complex. Police are seeking $134 in investigative costs in the case, reports show.
Unlicensed Dentist Arrested With Rusty and Bloodied Instruments
West Palm Beach, Florida
April 10, 2008 - 7:07AM
West Palm Beach, Fla.- Deputies have arrested a West Palm Beach man who they say was performing dentistry without a license. They say 37 year old Luis Sanchez was pulled over for running a red light April 2. A deputy saw a bag of stainless steel dental instruments in car. Sanchez explained he had been a dentist in Cuba and also worked as a dental assistant in Florida.
He said he had lost his job recently and did dental work on his friends to "make extra money" although he is not licensed to practice as a dentist in the state of Florida.
Deputies say they found dental instruments in his car, some of them rusty or with traces of blood on them. They say he also had a generic form of novocaine in his car and in his apartment.
They found various dental supplies and tools in his apartment on Forest Hill Boulevard, includng syringes, plaster impressions of teeth and an autoclave which is used to sterilize dental instruments.
Anyone who was a patient of Luis Sanchez is asked to call Deputy Steve Tzirtziropoulos at the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office at (561) 904-8275. Sanchez is charged with unlawful possession of prescription legend drugs, and operation of an unlicensed dental lab.
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dumb Asses of the Day
Man this coffee is gooooooodddddddddd
Secrets of a porn star-My sister is one
Sad story
Brett Micheals of Poison & VH1 getting Sued
ROL II is still stupid
Meet Woody
Wow that is a Massive Pecker
I love Jack-Jack
I want that baby
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Tumblr Blogs
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Good stuff
Sexy Art Gallery
IMF Scans
Rad Scans
Tutto Celebrita
Loaded Magazine
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 6:26 AM 0 comments
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Mega-Dumbasses x 2 WTF??
I am actually glad those two Bitches died, that's what they get oh well:
Teenage Girls Killed After Slashing Taxi Driver With Box Cutter
Last Update: 4/08 10:31 pm
Two teenage girls who attempted to rob a cab driver, slashing his face with a box cutter, were thrown from the taxi and killed in a wreck on Tuesday, police said.
The 50-year-old driver was taken to a hospital and released after receiving treatment for minor injuries, including cuts to his neck and face, Los Angeles Police Department spokeswoman Officer April Harding said. His name was not immediately released.
Two 17-year-old girls flagged down the cab at about 12:30 a.m. in eastern Los Angeles and asked to be taken to a nearby housing project, police said.
The girls were Alexous Ann Sandoval and Daisy Orozco, both Los Angeles residents, the coroner's office said.
When they pulled up, one girl said her boyfriend would come down to pay their fare. Instead, he approached the cab with a gun, Harding said.
The cab driver apparently sped away with the women still in the back seat.
"The cab driver got scared," Harding said. "One of the females pulled out a box cutter and began cutting the taxi cab driver and that's what caused him to crash."
It appeared the cab driver believed he was being followed by a gunman, police said. Two men were detained and being questioned about the incident, Harding said.
Don't Fuck with Chuck man...
N.J. Student's Hit List Included Chuck Norris
POSTED: 8:29 am EDT April 9, 2008
UPDATED: 8:34 am EDT April 9, 2008
PENNSAUKEN, N.J. -- Two Pennsauken High School students have been arrested after a teacher found what was believed to be a hit list that targeted actor Chuck Norris.
Camden County prosecutor's spokesman Jason Laughlin says the list also included the names of three students and a school staff member.
No one was injured.
The two boys, both juniors, have not been found to have possessed any weapons.
School superintendent James Chapman said in a posting on the district's Web site that the boys said the list was a joke. School officials and police were taking it seriously.
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dumb Asses of the Day
Please no gang signs..
I hate them both
Actually,Dick is funny
New anti-terror weapon: Hand-held lie detector
So your not a terrorist?How about a cheating bastard?
Lower Back Tattoo Stickers FINALLY Available For Kids At Toys ‘R Us
Start em' young
Gallery of Regrettable Food
Yum Yum not for my Tum
I like these cards
When you care enough to hit send
See,we really don't need men...well maybe for the fun of making babies
Artifical Spermies
Babe Union
Blonde Zombies
Bods for the Mods
Cu Cu
Devil666 Celeb Galleries
Only HQ
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Links Of the Day
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Dumb Asses of the Day, Yup Criminal Masterminds
Why was man in female attire in victim's closet?
Trial - A jury renders a verdict on the defendant, who says it was a mistake Tuesday, April 08,2008
HILLSBORO -- The petite 24-year-old Beaverton woman got out of the shower wrapped in a towel, stopped to watch a couple of minutes of TV and then sat down on her bed.
While putting lotion on her legs, she realized a man was standing in her closet, staring at her with bright blue eyes. He was wearing a lacy negligee with fishnet stockings, a woman's miniskirt, a sheer white blouse and a long brown wig.
For a second, time stood still. The woman stared back. The man hid his face in the crook of his arm.
Then she screamed twice, ran to another room and called police. The man fled without saying a word, hurrying from the ground-floor apartment in the 15200 block of Southwest Teal Boulevard to his nearby van.
She saw him again about a year later, this time in a Washington County courtroom. And he had an explanation for why he had been in her closet.
Prosecutor Gina Williamson Skinner was clear to jurors what the woman was thinking when she first saw the man in her closet.
"She had no idea what was going on, what was going to happen, how much risk she was at," Skinner said. "But what she thought at that moment was that she was going to be raped.
"It is every woman's greatest nightmare."
For nine months, the woman worried that the man might return. Until police told her they'd found their suspect -- they had matched DNA found on a meth pipe the man dropped in her closet to a convicted felon.
8 teens charged with beating girl so they could videotape the attack for YouTube
LAKELAND, Fla. -- Eight teenagers have been arrested on charges alleging they beat another teen in an "animalistic attack" so they could make a videotape to post on YouTube.
Seven of them remained in juvenile detention Tuesday, authorities said. A boy who was charged as an adult had been released on bail.
Victoria Lindsay was attacked on March 30 by six teenage girls when she arrived at a friend's home, authorities said.
One of the girls struck the 16-year-old victim on the head several times and then slammed her head into a wall, knocking her unconscious, according to an arrest report.
Later, according to a clip of the video that was released by the Polk County sheriff's office, the teens can be seen blocking a door and hitting Victoria.
"It's absolutely an animalistic attack," Sheriff Grady Judd said Tuesday on NBC's "Today." "They lured her into the home for express purpose of filming the attack and posting it on the Internet."
Victoria's father, Patrick Lindsay, said the teens intended to post the video on the video-sharing Web site YouTube.
Christina Garcia, mother of one of the defendants, said her daughter had turned the tape over to police.
The sheriff's office said that after the attack, three of the teens forced the victim into a vehicle and drove her to another location, where she was told she would be given a worse beating if she contacted police.
All eight suspects were arrested April 2 and charged with battery and false imprisonment. The three teens who took Lindsay to the second location are also charged with felony kidnapping.
Lindsay was treated for a concussion, damage to her left eye and left ear, and numerous bruises, police said.
Motion-Sensing Camera Catches Netflix Thief Red-Handed, Shirtless
Brian Krische and his roommate had a lot of their Netflix discs go missing before they received them, and they grew suspicious. So, like any self-respecting and enterprising geeks, they set up a motion-sensing camera pointed at their mailbox. The results? One chubby, shirtless criminal caught red-handed.
Yes, it turns out their "white-trash tenants in the first floor" had a penchant for checking their neighbors' mail while out on their daily shirtless stroll, snagging any red envelopes that happened to be there. Once Krische got the evidence in hand, he called up Netflix, who then called the cops. The shirtless bandits ended up with a $750 fine and a trip to the First Offender Program. That'll teach 'em to steal their neighbors' BioDome DVD
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dumb Asses of the Day
I Have 2 Tumblr Blogs...
If you all wanna see, Just Rememeber that they are NOT SAFE FOR WORK, go on...you know you want too...:
One Spooky Chick
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 5:52 PM 0 comments
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Owww My head hurts
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Bid on her at Ebay
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Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 6:45 AM 0 comments
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Monday, April 7, 2008
Rick James is a Crazy Dead Bitch..Quit licking yourself
**NSFW**He gots a Sex Tape (well maybe)
Super Freak, he's super freaky..
Is there any way of making my anus lighter in color?
Pucker Up!!
**NSFW**Zombie Strippers
Something smells really bad..
100 signs you're in the wrong relationship
Yup it's over
Ga. man kills self 12 years after heart transplant
How Sad
View Pornstars
The 10 Greatest Acting Performances In Porn History
Go Girls Go
Busty Legends
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 10:28 AM 0 comments
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Sunday, April 6, 2008
I piss in your direction..ask me about the MP's
A man willing to do unusaul things for money
No,He won't be doing THAT,ya freaks!
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Youtube Doubler
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Tom Scares me, why the hell would I smoke him?
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Indie Porn
Alt porn
Sex Not Sex
Femme Fatal
Fluffy Lychees
Baby Sub
Posted by DeathBecomezHer at 1:23 PM 0 comments
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