Friday, May 16, 2008


My name is Jim Petonito. I grew up in Hamden, Connecticut and now live in Cheshire, Connecticut with my wife and daughters. Since childhood I always had an interest in the supernatural.
For the next few years I attended classes and was a member of The New England Society for Psychic Research. Eventually I was sent out to investigate supposedly haunted houses and interview the people involved while gathering evidence with video, audio, and pictures and then report back as to what I had discovered. Thanks to Ed and Lorraine Warren for all their help and advice.
I then joined a group called the Hartford Office of Paranormal Exploration. It was with this group that a producer from ABC came across our website and wanted to do a story on us for PrimeTime Live. They were interested in the exorcisms that we had helped with. To make a long story short, after the PrimetimeLive special "The Devil Within" aired we had hundreds of calls from all over the country from people in need of help. It seemed every Wednesday after work I was assisting in an exorcism. This group broke up after about 2 years.

I formed Skeleton Crew Paranormal Research Society for the following reasons. You usually only need two or three people investigating a location. I prefer not to work with psychics . Not that I don't believe in the ability, but what they feel is often unverifiable and I prefer solid evidence. I don't consider myself an expert as we are always still learning about this relatively new field. Since my ghostly episode at 10, I have appeared on PrimeTime Live, Unsolved Mysteries, and Sightings. My pictures have been featured in Connecticut Magazine, and many newspapers. I have investigated over 300 haunted locations and assisted in over 25 exorcisms. What I am trying to say is "Mom. Do you believe me yet?!!"
Thanks and enjoy the site- Jim